A blog about knitting, and some other stuff....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I started a baby sweater awhile back. I don’t know why, I know no babies, none of my friends are soon to have babies of their own (or are thinking about babies of their own…. or are married….). But I had two balls of shine worsted that I’ve always wanted to try (why did I only purchase two balls? What can you do with that?). So I decided on Daisy which is a lovely, simple pattern. Yes, I did do the math – I figured out how many yards of the suggested yarn was used, and then figured out how much yarn I had, and I decided that I had plenty to make the sweater. Obviously, I did something wrong.

So, until I get more yarn, this project is at a standstill. One thing I did learn even though I only got halfway through the sweater is that I LOVE this yarn! Why didn’t I realize that I had such awesome yarn in my closet? It’s way soft and I really like the way it drapes. I began this project right after I was done with Honeymoon and the difference between the two yarns is night and day – I am definitely buying loads more of this stuff.


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