Hi there!
Yes, its been a very long time since I've posted something. But I have a really good excuse, I was in South America, and they don't always have the internet there. Regardless, it was good times. I went with school and we restored some 1,000 year old textiles that were found in mummy bundles (which actually makes them rather gross because they were covered in 1,000 year old "body resin" ie/ dead person juice). We did other things too, like tour northern Chile and southern Peru; we were at Machu Picchu for my birthday.
I was expecting more yarn, seeing as nearly all the yarn you find here seems to come from South America, but not so much. I saw lots of alpacas and llamas and sheep and other such animals that yarn is made from, and I found lots of textiles and people weaving and spinning; but I found very little actual yarn for sale. I think it might be because everyone who does the textile thing down there also knows how to spin (like crazy, I have a great video that I'll post when i figure out how to post videos), so they all spin their own yarn. I did find a bit though, a few random balls floating about in the corner of stores. Really I didn't even know if they were for sale half the time, but everyone was willing to sell whatever you were willing to buy, so I have some yarn. Pictures later, I still haven't finished unpacking....
Now.... a meme about books! Which I was tagged for a long time ago by
Dancing Knitter, but I've been a bit behind on my blog reading (ummm, so I have 287 entries still left to read....) and I just found it.
I recently finished reading:
Utterly Monkey by Nick Laird. And it's an awesome book that you should read. Let's see, how can I sum this up in a way that will make you want to read this.... It's about a Lawyer named Danny, and he's from Northern Ireland, but now he works in London. And one day his deadbeat friend from home shows up at his door. And there's terrorists. And it's rather funny and I really loved the characters and would like to be friends with them in real life. Here, read this summary, because this man is much better at summarizing than I will ever be: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article385756.ece
Turn to page 161 of the book, and read the 5th sentence. My book says:
"When Geordie came back into the living room carefully carrying the brimmed mug of tea, Ian had the money in three neat piles, all with the Queen's head on top. "
this is a lie, it's is not the 5th sentence but the 7th, because the 5th was very boring. Yes, I'm cheating, it's my meme I can cheat!
List of some of my favorite books:
1. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
2. Slaughterhouse 5, Kurt Vonnegut
3. Beowulf
4. Catch 22, Joseph Heller
5. Sabriel, Garth Nix
And I don't know who reads this, so I tag whoever sees this, and then leave me a comment and I'll check out what you have to say about what you read.